온라인 바카라 사이트



Article 1 (Objectives)

These terms and conditions specify the rights, obligations, responsibilities and others of SY Panel Co., Ltd. (the Company”) and the user who uses the service provided by the Company.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows.

  • ① “Service” is all kinds of services which are provided by the Company and which are available for the users regardless of the used terminals (PC, TV, portable terminal or any kinds of wire or wireless devices).
  • ② “User” is the customer who accesses to the Company’s Service and makes the use agreement with the Company for use of the Service provided by the Company.
  • ③ “Posted material” means the word, photo, and movie in the form of information such as symbol, letter, voice, sound, screen and video posted on the Service as well as links to photo, movie and files to help the user to use the Service.

Article 3 (Posting and revision)

  • ① The Company shall post the contents of the terms and conditions on the Service’s initial screen 온라인 바카라 사이트for the user’s easy understanding.
  • ② The Company may revise the terms and conditions to the extent that they are not in violation with the related laws including ‘ACT ON THE REGULATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS’ and ‘ACT ON EXPANSION OF DISSEMINATION AND PROMOTION OF UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEM’ (“Act on Information System”)
  • ③ If the Company wants to revise the terms and conditions, it shall publicly post the application date, reason of revision along with the current terms and conditions according to the method specified in 1 above from 30 days prior to the application date of revised terms and conditions to 7 days prior to the application date unless the revision does not significantly affect the rights and obligations of the User, in which case, the post is made from 7 days prior to the application.
  • ④ If the User starts to use the Service after the application date according to the provision above, he/she is considered to have agreed on the revised terms and conditions. If the User does not agree on the revised terms and conditions, he/she may terminate the use agreement.
  • ⑤ If the User who uses the paid Service does not agree on the revision of the terms and conditions and terminates the use agreement, he/she follow the refund policy specified in the terms and conditions of paid Service.

Article 4 (Interpretation)

  • ① The Company may keep the separate use terms and conditions and policy for the paid Service and individual Services (hereinafter called as “Paid service terms and conditions”) and if the Paid service terms and conditions are in conflict with these terms and conditions, they prevail.
  • ② Any matters or interpretations not specified in these terms and conditions shall follow the Paid service terms and conditions, related laws or commercial practices.

Article 5 (Making of use agreement)

  • ① As for the use agreement, the user (“Applicant”) shall agree on the contents of the terms and conditions and then, apply for the membership. Responding to the application, the Company approves before the final use agreement is made.
  • ② The Company is supposed to approve the use of Service by the applicant unless one of the followings happens, in which case, the Company may not approve or may terminate the use agreement later.
    • 1. The applicant has the history of losing the membership before according to these terms and conditions unless the user has lost the membership for more than 1 years and got the Company’s approval of rejoining.
    • 2. The applicant does not use his/her real name or the applicant illegally uses other person’s name.
    • 3. The applicant does fill in the form with faulty information or does not write down the contents suggested by the Company.
    • 4. The applicant with the age of below 14 years does not get the consent of the legal representative (parents or others).
    • 5. The approval is not possible due to the reasons attributable to the user or the application is made in violation of any specified rules.
  • ③ The Company may ask a professional organization to check the real name or identity of applicant depending on the type of User when the application is made as specified in 1 above.
  • 온라인 바카라 사이트④ If there is no equipment for the Service or there is any technical or work problem, the Company may suspend the approval.
  • ⑤ If the applicant’s application is not approved or is suspended as specified in 2 or 4 above, the Company shall notify that to the applicant in principle.
  • ⑥ The use agreement is considered to have been made at the time when the Company marks the completion of joining on the application process.
  • ⑦ The Company differentiate the grade in the use of the Service for the User according to its policy in terms of use hours, use times and service menu.
  • ⑧ The Company may restrict the User’s use of Service or restrict the use by grade in compliance with the grade and age restriction specified in the ‘ACT ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF MANAGERIAL STRUCTURE AND PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISES’ and ‘Youth Protection Act’.

Article 6 (Change in User Information)

  • ① The User may read his/her own personal information through the personal information control screen and correct it except the real name, resident reg. no. and ID which are required for the control of Service.
  • ② If there is a change in the matters filled in the form at the time of application, the User shall correct it online, via electronic mail or others or inform the changes to the Company.
  • ③ If the User does not inform any change to the Company as specified in 2 above so that any disadvantage is made to the User, the Company is not liable to the User.

Article 7 (Personal information protection obligation)

The Company shall make efforts to protect the User’s personal information in compliance with the related laws including ‘Act on Information System’. As for the protection and use of personal information, the related laws and the Company’s personal information handling policy apply. Provided that if the site is not the Company’s official site, the Company’s personal information handling policy does not apply.

Article 8 (Company’s obligations)

  • ① The Company shall not perform the act which is prevented according to the related laws and these terms and conditions or the act which is in violation of good practices. It shall make efforts to provide the User with the Services in a continual and stable way.
  • ② The Company shall have the security system for the protection of personal information (including credit information) so that the User can safely use the Service. It shall also disclose and comply with the personal information handling policy.
  • ③ The Company shall properly handle the opinions and complains suggested by the User on the use of Service as long as they are recognized to be reasonable. The handling process and results of opinions or complaints suggested by the User shall be informed to the User through either bulletin or electronic mail.

Article 9 (User’s obligations)

  • ① The User shall not do the following acts.
    • 1. Registration of faulty contents at the time of the application or change
    • 2. Theft of information from others
    • 3. Change in the information posted by the Company
    • 4. Sending or posting of the information other 실시간 바카라 사이트than specified by the Company (computer program and others)
    • 5. Infringement of the intellectual property rights including the copyright owned by the Company and other third parties
    • 6. Acts which would damage the Company’s or any third party’s prestige or work
    • 7. Acts which would disclose or post the information include the obscene or violent message, video or sound or information which is in conflict with the good community order
    • 8. Acts which take advantage of the Service for the profit-taking without the consent of the Company,
    • 9. any other illegal or unfair acts
    • 10. Acts which post or transmit the non-approved advertisement, sales promotion materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid organization or other forms of recommendation or
    • 11. Acts which post or transmit the data containing the software virus or other different computer code, file or program in order to interfere with or destroy computer software, hardware, electronic communication equipment or restrict their functions
  • ② The User shall comply with the related laws, provisions of these terms and conditions, notes on the Service, and others notified by the Company and shall not do the acts which would inhibit the Company’s work.

Article 10 (Provision of Service)

  • ① The Company provides the User with all kinds of services developed by the Company or supplied by the Company in cooperation with other company.
  • ② The Company may divide the Service to a certain range and give each range with the available hours. But, in this case, the prior notice shall be made to the Users.
  • ③ The Service is provided 365 days a year and 24 hours a day in principle.
  • ④ If there is any need of repair, replacement, fault check, communication stop or operational problem in the information and communication equipment such as computer, the Company may temporarily suspend the Service. In this case, the Company shall notify that to the User in a method specified in Article 9 (Notice to the Users). If the Company is not able to make the prior notice due to unavoidable reason, it may make an ex post facto notice.
  • ⑤ The Company may make the periodic checks if required for the provision of Service and the periodic check hours shall follow the notices posted on the provided service screen.

Article 11 (Service changes)

  • ① The Company may change all or a part of Services which are provided depending on the operational and technical needs if there is the significant reason for that.
  • ② If there is a change in the contents of Service, use method or use hours, the cause of change, the target service and the date of provision shall be posted at the appropriate initial service screen at least 7 days prior to the change.
  • ③ The Company may amend, suspend or change all or a part of the Services which are provided without charge according to its policy or operational needs. Unless otherwise specified in the related laws, the Company is not liable to any compensation to the Users.

Article 12 (Provision of information and posting of advertisement)

  • ① The Company may provide the User with various kinds of information which is recognized to be necessary for the use of Service by the User in the bulletin board, electronic mail 온라인 바카라 사이트or others. Provided that the User may reject the receiving of the electronic mail at any time except the trading information according to the related laws or answers to the customer’s questions.
  • ② If the information specified in 1 above is to be transmitted through telephone or fax, the advance approval of the User is required unless the information is related to the User’s trading information and the response to the customer’s questions.
  • ③ Related to the operation of Service, the Company may post the advertisement on the website or electronic mail. If the User receives the electronic mail containing the advertisement, he/she may reject the receiving of the email.

Article 13 (Copyright of posted materials)

  • ① The copyright over the materials posted by the User in the Service remains the author’s property.
  • ② The materials posted by the Users in the Service may be exposed to the search or “Service” promotion or a part of them may be amended or edited to some required extent before being posted. In this case, the User may take action such as deleting, excluding from search results or not disclosing through the customer service or the control function within the Service at any time.
  • ③ If the Company wants to use the materials posted by the User in a way other than specified in 2 above, the prior User’s consent is required through telephone, fax or email.

Article 14 (Control of posed materials)

  • ① If the ‘materials’ posted by the User have contents in violation of “Act on Information System” and “Copyright Act”, the right owner may ask for the suspension or deletion of post according to the procedure specified in the related laws and, in this case, the Company shall take proper actions according to the related laws.
  • ② If there is anything which is recognized to infringe the right even when there is no request from the owner according to the provision above or which is in violation of the Company’s policy or related laws, the Company may take temporary actions against the post according to the related laws.
  • ③ The detailed procedure according to this provision shall follow the “post suspension request service” specified by the Company to the extent specified in ‘Act on Information System’ and ‘Copyright Act’.

- Post suspension request service: sypanel@sypanel.com

Article 15 (Attribution of rights)

  • ① The copyright and intellectual property right over the Service remains the property of the Company except the materials posted by the User and the work provided according to the cooperation agreement.
  • ② The Company provides the User with the right of using the account, ID, contents, and points according to the conditions designated by the Company related to the Service. The User shall not assign, sell, offer as security or otherwise dispose of it.

Article 16 (Termination)

  • ① The User may ask for the termination of use agreement through customer center or my information menu on the initial service screen and the Company shall immediately handle it according to the related laws.
  • ② If the User terminates 온라인 바카라the agreement, all data of the User shall be destroyed as soon as the agreement is terminated except when the Company is supposed to keep the User’s information according to the related laws or personal information handling policy.
  • ③ If the User terminates the agreement, all of materials registered in his/her account and written by him/her would be deleted. But, as the materials which are reposted after the other’s filing or scrap or which are registered on the public bulletin board will not be deleted, be sure to delete them first before withdrawal from the site.

Article 17 (Limited use)

  • ① If the User defaults his/her obligations specified in the terms and conditions or inhibits the normal operation of the Service, the Company may restrict the User’s use of Service through the warning, temporary suspension or permanent suspension of use.
  • ② Notwithstanding the provision above, if a User uses the name or approval in violation of ‘Resident registration act”, provides the illegal program which is in violation of “Copyright Act’ and “Computer Program Protection Act” and inhibits the operation, do the illegal communication or hacking in violation of “Act on Information System”, distributes malignant program, exceeds the scope of access right, the Company may permanently suspend the User. In case of permanent suspension, the points or other benefits acquired through the use of Service are invalidated and the Company does not make any other compensation for that.
  • ③ If a User does not log in for more than 3 months in a row, the Company may limit his/her use of the Service for protection of the User’s information and for the operational efficiency.
  • ④ As for the conditions of limitation and details within the scope of limited use in this provision, the Company shall follow the use limitation policy and individual service operation policy.
  • ⑤ If the use of Service is limited or the agreement is terminated according to this provision, the Company shall make the notice according to Article 9 (Notice to the User).
  • ⑥ A User may file a complaint against the limited use specified in this provision according to the Company’s process. In this case, if the Company recognizes the complaint to be reasonable, the Company shall resume the Service for the User.

Article 18 (Limited responsibility)

  • ① The Company is not obligated to provide the Service when the Service cannot be provided due to natural disaster or equivalent force majeure events.
  • ② The Company does not take responsibility for the problem in the use of Service if it is caused by the User.
  • ③ The Company does not take responsibilities for the reliability or accurateness of the information, data or fact posted by the User on the Service.
  • ④ The Company does not take responsibilities for the trading made through the Service between Users or between the User and a third party.
  • ⑤ The Company does not take responsibility unless otherwise specified in the related laws on the use of freely provided Service.

Article 19 (Governing law and jurisdiction)

  • ① The lawsuit filed by either the Company or 온라인 바카라the User against the other party shall be governed by the laws of Republic of Korea.
  • ② The lawsuit on the dispute arising between the Company and the User shall be referred to a court having jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act.


These terms and conditions take effective on July 1, 2017.

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