실시간 바카라 사이트


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52 weeks
(Based on closing price)
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Sales residuals Asking price Buying residuals
No Data.
왼쪽 화살표 이미지 Scroll the screen left and right to check the total contents. 오른쪽 화살표 이미지
Time Closing price Compared to previous day Sell asking price 온라인 바카라 사이트Buy asking price Buying residuals
No Data.
Top selling Top buying
Securities company Trading volume Securities company Trading volume
No Data.
왼쪽 화살표 이미지 Scroll the screen left and right to check the total contents. 오른쪽 화살표 이미지
Date Closing price Compared to previous day Market price High price Low price Trading volume Transaction amount
No Data.
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